Groovz Playground

Enjoy practicing your improvisation with these simple looped play-along tracks

Groovz Playground is a new and different way to become the improviser you want to be. Instead of only practicing over complicated harmonies and struggling with what scales to play over the form of a constant stream of chords, relax and develop your ear using Groovz Playground.

For each one, two, three, or four-chord loop, you get the chords, the associated scales, the notes that sound good over the entire loop, and a written out phrase or two that fits over the loop as an example.

Instead of over-thinking and manufacturing patterns, listen to these simple harmonies and let your musical imagination take over. in the end, you will become more closely connected with your instrument, not matter which instrument you play.

"I was initially hesitant about improvising when Music Savvy introduced it to me, as I have always been more of a 'by-the-book' player. However, I've been pleasantly surprised by the improvement in my ear for the music as well as the flow of my improvisation. Improvising has become fun and a regular part of my practicing.

This guy knows what he's talking about and makes learning enjoyable. Thanks Mike!"
Jason Stewart
Pianist, Dubuque IA

An example of one Groovz Playground loop

This loop is called Groovy Jazzy. It is one of the groovz and it is in the style of jazz/funk. The loop consists of only two repeating chords. Notice the notation below the audio player. This is the kind of technical assistance you will get with every groove.

Groovy Jazzy
Jazz @ 112 bpm
Groovz Playground landing
Groovz Playground landing

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